Feeling Lonely? Learn to Recognize these 8 signs.

Are you feeling lonely lately, but aren’t quite sure how to express it? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, did you know that loneliness is becoming an increasingly common social epidemic? That’s right, studies show that the majority of people are experiencing feelings of loneliness more often than they may realize.

But don’t worry, there are ways to combat loneliness by increasing awareness as well as connecting with others. In fact, I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed for an article on Everyday Health about this very topic. The article explores the different types of loneliness, the health consequences of chronic loneliness, and suggestions for how to alleviate these feelings. If you’re interested in learning more about this important issue, check out the link above.

New Support Group for Parents of Kids with ADHD

Are you a parent of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Do you often feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure about how to best support your child’s needs? You are not alone.

We understand that parenting a child with ADHD can be challenging. That’s why we have started a support group just for parents like you. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for parents to connect, share experiences, and gain valuable knowledge about how to navigate the unique challenges of raising a child with ADHD.

Meeting Details

Our online support group will meet at a time mutually convenient to registrants which we will determine during the registration process. Our clinical director, Dr. Emily Bly, will facilitate the group and guide group discussions. We welcome all parents, whether your child has recently been diagnosed or if they have been living with ADHD for years. Our group is a place where you can feel comfortable expressing your thoughts and concerns confidentially and without any judgment.

What to Expect?

In our meetings, we will have guest speakers who are experts in the field of ADHD, as well as open discussions where everyone can share their own experiences and learn from one another. Together, we can find ways to help our children thrive and develop strategies to manage daily tasks and behaviors.

We believe that having a strong support system is essential for both the child with ADHD and their parents. You don’t have to go through this alone. Join our support group and connect with other parents who understand what you are going through.

How to Join?

If you are interested in joining our support group or to find out more, please fill out this brief contact form to schedule an initial phone consult with Dr. Emily Bly who will provide you with more details and help determine if this group is the right fit for you. We look forward to meeting you and helping you on this journey of parenting a child with ADHD. Together, we can make a positive difference in our children’s lives. See you soon!

Let’s support each other and our kids with ADHD. #ADHD #ADHDparenting #supportgroup #youarenotalone

The Ill-Effects of Venting Your Frustrations

When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, venting is usually the first thing that comes to your mind. Talking about your problems, ranting to a friend, or shouting your grievances to the world might make you feel better, but according to research, venting isn’t as helpful as we think it is. In a recent article published by Psychology Today, research suggests that venting doesn’t benefit individuals in the way we think it does. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the study’s findings and what it means for you.

Venting is usually seen as a healthy coping mechanism, but what the research suggests is that it may actually be harmful to your mental health. According to the study conducted by Brad Bushman and Roy Baumeister, venting can make you feel better initially, but it doesn’t help you resolve the issues at hand. This means that you’re more likely to experience the same problems again and again because you’re not actively seeking solutions.

Furthermore, venting can also make you angrier, more aggressive and cause others to distance themselves from you. If you regularly vent your frustrations on others, it may place a strain on your relationships, and you may feel isolated when you need support the most. Instead of venting, try to process and share your emotions in a calmer state and seek solutions like therapy that will help you address your issues.

Another important point to note is that venting can also reinforce negative thought patterns, and this can lead to depression and anxiety. When you vent, you’re essentially magnifying your problems, and you’re making them seem bigger than they are. This can cause you to dwell on your issues, and you may find yourself feeling more anxious and overwhelmed as a result. By not venting, and instead focusing on solutions, you can shift your mindset and take a more positive and proactive approach to your challenges.

A potential solution to not venting is to engage with positive activities that work for you, such as exercise, reading, meditation, or spending time in nature. By focusing on activities that lift your spirits rather than letting off steam, you’ll be able to process your emotions more effectively and reduce stress as well.

In conclusion, venting is not the solution to your problems, even though it might seem like it is. As the research suggests, it can do more harm than good, causing unnecessary strain on your relationships and amplifying negative thoughts. Instead, try to address your problems rationally, consider alternative approaches, and engage with positive activities that support your wellbeing. Being proactive about your problems is a more effective way to manage them and will help you move forward in a more positive, self-supportive manner.

New Support Group for Kids Affected by Divorce

Are you a parent going through a divorce and worried about how your child is handling it? Or are you a child struggling to cope with the changes that come with divorce?

We understand that going through a divorce can be tough for both parents and children. That’s why we have started this support group specifically for kids aged 7-11 who are affected by divorce. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for children to express their feelings and learn coping mechanisms.

Meeting Details

Our support group will meet every Tuesday at 5:30 PM. The meetings will last for 45 minutes to an hour and will be conducted in our child-friendly offices. Our experienced facilitators, Dr. Melissa Klay and Dr. Allison Shanley, will guide the discussions and activities during the group sessions.

Why join our support group?

Divorce can be a confusing and emotional experience for children. Our support group aims to provide a positive outlet for children to express their thoughts and feelings, as well as connect with other kids who are going through similar experiences. Through this, they can find comfort and reassurance that they are not alone.

What to expect in our support group?

Each session will involve different activities such as games, art projects, and discussions. These activities are designed to help children process their emotions and learn healthy ways to cope with the changes brought about by divorce. Our facilitators also provide a safe space for children to share their experiences if they feel comfortable doing so.

How to join?

If your child is interested in joining our support group, please fill out this form to schedule an initial phone consult with Dr. Melissa Klay. During this meeting, we will discuss the program and address any concerns or questions you may have. We want to make sure that this support group is a good fit for your child.

Let’s help our kids together

Divorce can be tough on children, but with the right support, they can navigate through these changes and come out stronger. Let’s work together to provide a safe and supportive space for our kids to heal and thrive. We look forward to meeting you and your child at our next session!

Additional resources

In addition to our support group, there are several other resources available for children affected by divorce. These include therapy services, educational workshops, and online support communities. We encourage parents to explore and ask us about these options as well to find the best fit for your child’s needs.

Importance of self-care

As parents, it’s important to remember to take care of ourselves too. Going through a divorce can be emotionally and physically draining, so it’s essential to prioritize self-care. Taking time for yourself can also benefit your child as they see you taking care of yourself and modeling healthy coping mechanisms.

When to Seek Psychotherapy: Signs You Need Help

Mental health issues can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, interfering with daily functioning and leading to significant distress. Psychotherapy is an effective way to achieve the support and guidance needed to overcome these challenges. The question is, when should you consider seeking psychotherapy? In this blog post, we will explore several signs that suggest you may need professional help and how psychotherapy can help you heal.

1. You Feel Overwhelmed, Stressed, or Anxious

Life can be tough sometimes, and the pressure can leave us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. However, when that feeling persists and begins to interfere with daily life, it’s time to seek help. Psychotherapy can help you learn essential coping strategies that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Therapy can also provide you with the tools for identifying and changing negative thought patterns, as well as boosting self-esteem.

2. You Have Experienced a Significant Life Change

Significant life changes, such as a divorce, job loss, or loss of a loved one, can be stressful and overwhelming, leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Seeking psychotherapy can provide the support and guidance needed to overcome these challenges. Additionally, therapy can help you navigate difficult life transitions while creating a sense of normalcy and routine.

3. You Have Trouble Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Our relationships play a crucial role in our lives, providing us with support, love, and meaning. However, when our relationships become dysfunctional, they can cause significant distress and interfere with daily life. Psychotherapy can help you work through and resolve relationship issues like communication challenges, infidelity, and lack of trust. Therapy can also help you understanding relationship patterns that may have been learned from past experiences.

4. You Experience Frequent Mood Swings

Mood swings can indicate underlying emotional distress, such as depression or bipolar disorder. These mood swings can also interfere with daily life and relationships. Psychotherapy can provide a safe environment for discussion and exploration of the symptoms and concerns and provide the tools required to manage mental health issues.

5. You Have Experienced Tramua

Trauma effects are long-lasting and can interfere with relationships, work and daily life. Trauma can stem from sexual or emotional abuse, a tragic accident, criminal activity, or military combat. Seeking psychotherapy can help you work through and resolve the negative emotions associated with the traumatic event.

At some point in our lives, we all need help managing the stressors and challenges of daily living. Seeking professional help from a psychotherapist is not a sign of weakness, but a way of empowering oneself to face the challenges head-on. Psychotherapy can help you build coping skills, identify and modify negative beliefs or thoughts, and find positive ways to deal with challenges. If you notice any of the above signs in your life, don’t hesitate to contact a qualified psychotherapist. Improve your mental wellbeing with psychotherapy today!

How Your Body Can Help Your Mind

Have you ever felt like you were trapped in your own mind? Do you struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD? If your answer is yes, then you’re certainly not alone. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately one in five adults in the United States experiences mental illness each year. However, did you know that your body language could have an enormous impact on your mental health? A recent New York Times article titled “Want to Fix Your Mind? Let Your Body Talk” details the various ways in which we can use our bodies to improve our mental health. At PPG, the integration of somatic approaches is key to our approach to mental health particularly in the treatment of trauma and anxiety. Give us a call to find out how this approach might be able to help you.

Loneliness and What to Do About it

Loneliness is a problem that is all too common in the modern world. According to a recent article in the New York Times, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy has written a new report about the health risks of loneliness and strategies to feel less lonely.

The Health Risks of Loneliness

Contrary to popular belief, loneliness is not just a mental health issue, it can also have physical consequences. According to the Surgeon General’s report, loneliness is associated with a higher risk of:

Cardiovascular disease


Depression and anxiety

Substance abuse


Strategies to Combat Loneliness

The good news is that there are many strategies that can help combat loneliness. Here are some of the recommendations from the Surgeon General’s report:

Strengthen existing relationships

One way to feel less lonely is to strengthen your existing relationships. This might mean spending more time with friends and family, or reaching out to people you have lost touch with.

Join groups and organizations

Joining groups and organizations is another way to combat loneliness. This might mean joining a club based on your interests, volunteering, or attending religious services.

Practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you feel more present and connected. This might mean meditating, breathing exercises, or simply taking time to focus on your thoughts and feelings.

Seek professional help

If you are struggling with loneliness, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance and support as you work through your feelings.

Loneliness is a problem that affects millions of people, but there are actions that can be taken to combat it. As the Surgeon General’s report shows, strengthening relationships, joining groups, practicing mindfulness, and seeking professional help are all effective strategies to feel less lonely and improve overall health and well-being. So, if you’re feeling lonely, don’t hesitate to try these recommendations and seek support.

Grief impacts the brain. Therapy can help.

Neurologist, Dr. Lisa Shulman, describes the impact of grief and trauma on the brain in this article in Live Science. Through repeated stimulation of the limbic system, the seat of the body’s fight-or-flight response, we can become hypervigilant and highly sensitized to perceived threat. The good news is that therapy can help to calm these stress responses and “rewire” limbic reactivity to appropriate levels.

Is Social Media Use Dangerous?

This is a question we get asked a lot. As any parent knows, it’s a complicated question with no simple answer. Here with some ideas on the subject is ADDitude, a go-to resource for parents of neurodivergent kids. The key takeaways here are that for neurodivergent and typical kids alike content and context matter. This article identifies warning signs and encourages engagement and dialogue to better understand how your teen is using the platforms and what is the impact.